Peter CHEN
Professor of Chinese Culture University, Chinese Taipei
This is a special memorial session to acknowledge Dr. Chiang's lifetime vision, mission, inspiration, dedication and contribution to sport coaching, sport science and AACS as a whole. Dr. Chiang was the former President of Asia Association of Coaching Science, a founder and former President of Asia Council of Exercise and Sports Science, former Chair of Physical Education Departmentfonner Director of Graduate Institute of Sport Coaching Science and former Director of Sport Center,Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Taiwan.
Dr. Chiang was a great leader, scholar, researcher, and educator with adaptability, continuity, creativity, dignity, reliability and responsibility, he practiced what he preached and set an excellent example in our profession and beyond. In his lifetime, he actively, dynamically and effectively promoted a holistic approach in connecting and joining East and West, theory and practice, science and humanities, skill and character, body, mind and spirit together to achieve the best result in the shortest possible time.
Since his youth he had many dreams; he believed nothing is impossible, and that the unpredictable is predictable and the incomprehensible is comprehensible. As a result, he had conquered many obstacles and challenges in his lifetime beyond imagination and comprehension. These are great examples and lessons for us to share and learn from Dr. Chiang's detennination, application, cooperation and dedication throughwhieh he accomplished many missions nationally and internationally in his lifetime.
In conclusion, it is just as Abraham Lincoln stated that"ln the end, it's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years". This describes so well Dr. Chiang's life journey, so that this lifetime vision, mission, inspiration, dedication and contribution in coaching science will be appreciated, admired and remembered forever.